Friday, March 13, 2009

The New E-Face of aNm

I'm pleased to announce alterNative Media's website has received a much-needed face lift.

Click the link below to head over to the website and kick the virtual tires. Let me know what you think !


As always, keep aNm in mind for all your technical and artistic needs. As Oklahoma's "indie" film and video game community continue to grow, alterNative Media is happy to offer such specialized services as 2D Animation, Concept Art, and even 3D Modeling / Animation / Simulations to this burgeoning artist community. Contact us today and put our expertise and creativity to work for you !

Monday, March 09, 2009

aNm Listing at OFC Production Guide

A quick look at some recent activity at the Oklahoma Film Commission, suggests there are many big things on Oklahoma's film-industry horizon.

(See the link here for more info.)

As a gentle reminder - especially to all of you about to undertake a film or production project here in Oklahoma - aNm has many artistic and technical services to offer filmmakers and TV production studios, including (but never limited to):

  • Traditional illustration / concept art
  • 2D animation
  • 3D models, animation, & simulation
...and many more.

alterNative Media is listed under "Animation - Computer" at the Oklahoma Film Commission's online Production Guide database at Of course, you can always see examples our work at aNm's online Gallery or with the slideshows here at the aNm blog.

Keep alterNative Media in mind as you begin production and put our creativity to work for you (remember: work smarter, not harder). Contact us today for initial consultation, quote, and milestone schedule.

Radio Interview

Rob Schmidt, creator of the Peace Party comic book, and I were recently interviewed for a radio program out of Florida about Indigenous people in comic books and comic book mythology, in general. The show is called, "Beyond the Grassy Knoll," and while I'm not entirely sure what their website is all about, they certainly have a lot of theories...about everything.

However, the host was very polite and seemed to be genuinely interested in how Native people are portrayed in comics - plus, it was good to have a dialogue between Schmidt and myself.

Click the link below for the radio interview (running time - 59:10):

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Reaganomics and Watchmen

A buddy of mine - Jeff Johncox, a journalist at a nearby newspaper - popped a few email questions my way about the upcoming Watchmen flick, which he assumed would be used as background filler for a larger that doesn't look like it will see the printer's ink.

Rather than let this little dialogue go to waste, I thought I would post it here, in case any of you have comments about this topic, as well...

JJ: What did Watchmen mean to you?

MS: I'd 'heard' about the Watchmen for years before I finally got around to reading it. For many years there, it was splashed everywhere; I especially noticed its mention and reference in the advertisement sections of the comic books themselves. I seem to recall many specialty (comic) suppliers referenced the Watchmen visually and textually, at times.

Being isolated on a rural farm, I wasn't afforded the opportunity that many other comic book fans were: the local comic book shop connection. Sure, I made it to the local comic shops as much as I could, but I never just 'hung out' there, like many other (city) kids got to do. Thus, I was never privy to the 'inside-track' of what was cool and new in the comic du jour. Yet, as I mentioned, I was still aware of the Watchmen - and to a lesser extent, the hype surrounding it - but, I wasn't sure what the big deal was, so I didn't bother with it for a long while.

As it turns out, not reading it immediately was most likely for the best (more on why, in a moment).

JJ: When did you first read it?

MS: It was the late 1990s, in my early adulthood, before I actually read the Watchmen.

JJ: Did you immediately "get" it?

MS: As with way too many things in my life, I did not grasp the Watchmen's full meaning at first read. What can I say? I am a man - a dull-witted one, at that - and we men aren't exactly known for catching subtleties. Yet, even on the first reading, even without catching all the finer points, I knew that there was something very special about this story.

Don't get me wrong: I didn't fall in love with the Watchmen, especially not in the first read. Indeed, to this day, I'm not in love with the Watchmen. However, you don't have to absolutely love something to understand, on some level, its gravity and importance to the genre as a whole. One may not love "Moby Dick" or "A Catcher in the Rye," (Buddha knows I don't care for these), but one cannot deny the level of importance of these to works to literature itself.

The same can be said of Watchmen; its contribution to the comic book milieu is incomparable.

JJ: Was it something you realized, over time, was extraordinary?

MS: Indeed; the Watchmen storyline and characters have stayed with me - have played over and over in my mind - for years. Reading the Watchmen is like being introduced to the Greek Pantheon for the first time: you may not remember all the little details, but ideas and the ideals of the players and parts stays with you over time. Unlike many other comics that fill pages with fluff and filler (which is great, sometimes, if you're in the mood for it), the Watchmen is well executed and intensely intricate in the way its characters are handled.

Of course, upon my initial reading, one element that left a sour taste in my mouth was the story's delivery of a specific time period: the 1980s. This distaste came close to overpowering a more substantial element of the Watchmen: the use of propaganda.

JJ: How did the book capture the second "red scare" of the mid 80s

MS: I am not a political creature; in fact, I don't discuss - or even THINK about - politics. Much this is most likely due to my fervent attention to the political scene in the 1980s (Reaganomics, anyone?). The shame of being so astute during this time - a time of Cold War, Red Scare, and blind conservatism - most likely affects my current outlook; and prompts me to shun anything politically charged.

The Watchmen, its story and characters, are children of the 1980s, much like me. It is most likely this affinity that came close to turning me off of the storyline, initially. However, given that I did not read the Watchmen until years after that sad decade, the temporal distance allowed me to see the inherent rhetoric and nuclear propaganda that I would have most likely missed, had I read this work within the 1980s. It is this proclamation - the fact that the book so eagerly allows its story to be rooted in the confines of a specific time - that empowers its metaphors and allusions.

In short, the Watchmen is pivotal for the genre of comic books and sequential art. While the flavor of the 1980s always makes me want to brush my tongue, I still recommend the Watchmen as a good 'read' to anyone wanting to consume something of substance, in comic book form. As mentioned, the ideology and themes stay with me in my mind, which says much of the Watchmen's substance (it sticks to one's mental 'ribs,' as it were).

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Article in Journal Record

Upon discovering my lecture on Native Americans in pop culture at the University of Central Oklahoma, a reporter for the Journal Record, "Oklahoma's leading resource for Oklahoma business news and legal information," contacted me for an interview to find out more about my book, Native Americans in Comic Books and my business, alterNative Media.

Despite warnings of my true physical appearance, they even sent out a photographer (poor thing) to catch me 'in the act' at my studio.

Here is an image of the article that appeared in the Journal Record, Tues. FEB 10, 2009 (avert your eyes, children...!).

Steve Judd to Speak at OU

Here is a flyer about an upcoming at the University of Oklahoma with Steve Judd, a Native buddy of mine working the in the film industry out in LA. Check him out, if you can...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

IPI: Indigenous Peeps in the Industry - 06

Shoot-outs! Deadlines! Ash-can comics! Priests with hidden torture chambers! Mounties! Bush! McCain! Hitler! Eight-year-olds 'packing'! Bold & Indented Text with Exclamation Points!! Algonquin comic creator, Joy Odjick, shares these elements and other stories with Michael Sheyahshe in this episode of IPI.

Jay and I first met when we were both interviewed for an article at Comic Book Resources, dealing with Indigenous characters in comic books. I feel a certain affinity to Jay as we are close in age and he seems just about as busy as me (WAAAY too many projects on the 'burners'). Jay was also gracious enough to allow me to interview him for my book, Native Americans in Comic Books - to be able to include the viewpoint from a Native creative source in comics (of which, there were too few) really rocked(!). Since then, Jay and I have kept in contact and updated each other on our busy lives.

Jay sits down and hammers out some thoughtful responses to my irritating questions and, somehow, makes them exciting (no help from me!). Of course, just to tease Jay mercilessly, making the interview this spicey took him quite some time. Heh.

Additionally, please see Jay's important notice at the bottom of the interview about some missing kids. Please spread the word and help in any way you can.

MS: Background info: what is your tribal affiliation and where are you from?

JO: I am a status Algonquin from the Kitigan Zibi community (band) in Quebec, Canada. I was born in the States, because my father was working there at the time, but he was born and raised in Kitigan Zibi (KZ).

MS: Did you have a lot of cultural interaction growing up? (Family gatherings, dances, ceremonies, etc.?)

JO: We moved back to KZ when I was a kid, and I lived on the reservation till I was about 16, when I left to go to college.

MS: When did you first get into comics?

JO: I got into comics while we were still living in the states. We lived in an Italian neighborhood in Rochester, New York that had a comic shop down the street from where we lived. We didn’t have a lot of money, but this was one of those shops where they took the books that didn’t sell, and ripped the covers off and sold ‘em for a dime or whatever, so we were way into that.

My mother also had a good friend who had a ton of comics and wanted to get rid of them, so he gave them to me and my brother...and, I mean, that was incredible. We had, like, Marvel comics from the 60s in that collection.

MS: Do you have a favorite comic; title or type?

JO: I don't know that I have a favorite all time comic (The Watchmen and Preacher are close to that though) but I suppose my favorite comics character of all time is the Punisher. I got bit by that particular bug when I was really, really young; in that stack of comics I [mentioned], we had the second appearance of the character, and it was just really cool and different from other comic book characters; the black suit, the skull on the shirt...and, y'know, he killed people.

I wasn't home at the time, but once, my brother was playing in front of the window of our apartment in Rochester, and this guy comes hauling ass down the street. This other dude is chasing him, yelling and whatnot, with a pistol. He opens fire, and literally, just takes this guy out, right in front of where we lived; my brother watching this whole scene. I get home later with my mother to a literal homicide scene; blood splatter dude, chalk outline, yellow tape, all that fun stuff.

So I think that's why that character appealed to us both; we didn't live in a world where a dude in spandex swung in and saved your ass, but people got shot. I think we could identify with a more edgy hero.

MS: Tell us more about the comic you've been working on; how did it all start / come about?

JO: Right now, I’m working on a comic for Bluewater Productions called The Odyssey Presents: Judo Girl / Venus. And I mean, not literally right now, but when I finish typing, I'm going right back to the drawing board; so it's pretty close.

MS: When can we expect it and where can we buy it? (...and will there be an NDN discount?)

JO: The book I'm working on now is slated for early '09. I can't say an exact date for sure, because of the way distribution works, but I think February is the month Bluewater is looking at. This will be the first comic I've had published by Diamond, so it’ll be available at basically ANY comics shop; and I’m going to talk specifics here, to make sure that anyone interested in getting a-hold of one of these (or ten. Buy like, ten, and I'll give Michael a big discount on his copy.).

Comics shops and retailers have to buy the books they stock their shelves with outright, from the distributor, in this case, a company called Diamond. Diamond receives the comics from publishers, then takes orders from retailers from their catalog, called Previews. Why am I boring you with this crap?

It's because odds are, if you walk into a shop when the book comes out, they may not have it; what you would need to do is ask the retailer, or a super helpful comic shop employee to order the book for you, and they will set it aside for ya when it comes in. You may need a Diamond order code, which is basically like a serial number that the retailer can use to order the book; I'll make that available at, and my myspace page:

I will maybe even put together a nifty little graphic or banner that you can print out and just hand to the retailer with the order code right on it.

If you don't have a comics shop near you, hit me up at myspace, or email me at, and I'll try to hook you up. Remember, if you buy a bunch of these, I will give Michael an awesome deal on his copy, and then I will, in turn, get a discount on his book he wrote. Ha!

(By the time the interview got done, we're now IN the month of February, and as far as I know, the book is shipping next week. Not Michael’s fault whatsoever, I just got very swamped. Check out tho!)

MS: Keeping in mind your other talents, what is your specialty?

JO: I don't know that I have a real specialty, art wise, but I think my favorite things to draw are superheroes and horror based stuff. It's funny, because although I've worked on about a half dozen small press books, this will be the first work for hire gig I’ve done for an actual publisher, and it’s a book with two female leads; I would’ve said before that drawing women wasn’t one of my specialties, or that I never thought I’d be doing this kind of book, but it just goes to show; you never know.

JO: I just try to create exciting pages, to do things that will catch a reader’s eye, or capture the imagination, and to be as dynamic as possible. That’s what I appreciate about comics – bold layouts, exciting composition – the energy of art.

So that’s what I try to get across in my own work. Whether or not I am successful, I leave up to everyone else to decide – but I’ve never done any less than my absolute best.

MS: Did you get special training and/or education for the comic book work?

JO: I started reading comics when I was like, four, and my mother says I was writing original stories when I was around five. Now, notice I didn’t say she said I was writing GOOD stories, but I was writing.

Other than that, special training or education...just a lifetime of reading comics, and being kind of obsessed with the idea of telling stories, verbally, visually, thru dirty jokes, all the classy stuff.

But if that answer doesn't work...yes, watching horror movies, wrestling, crappy sci-fi; very serious training, for hours and hours!

MS: Have you worked on any other comics?

JO: I've worked on my own self published series "The Raven"; I self published three issues and was working on the fourth when I met Arcana Studio honcho Sean O'Reilly at a convention; my company and Arcana had booths next to each other, the year Arcana won the Shuster for best Canadian publisher.

We talked about bringing the Raven to Arcana that weekend, and I've got to try to picture this: This was my FIRST ever con, my first booth at a con, and I had a chance to bring my own series to the company that won the award for best comic book publisher on the country.

I signed on; and from there we kicked around ideas for how to continue that series, and went kind of back and forth as to the nature of the Raven comic there; I changed the title to Kagagi, the Algonquin word for Raven, and decided to revamp the series in a double sized one shot.

So there’s that, which was one of my two babies; the other actually reached a much, much larger audience than the Raven did - and I actually sold over 2000 copies of the first issue of the Raven!

I created, wrote, and penciled a comic for Kevin Smith’s website called Power Hour, which was a kind of parody about a team of superpowered people; not so much HEROES, maybe, but people who wanted to be, or wanted to be perceived as such.

I really, really have a soft spot for that comic; we did some really strong numbers on it, because of Kevin, and the fact he has an awesome fanbase. Overall, it was an awesome experience, working on the comic was great, Chris Ryall who runs IDW now was the webmaster, EIC there, so I got to hang my hat at a great site and work with some great people.

After Poop Shoot closed down, I had talked with a few print magazines about picking up the strip, but nothing ever came of it for a variety of reasons.

Other than that, some work for a few other small press books and some contract work my company had taken on.

MS: What are some comics with Native American characters in them that stand out to you?

JO: This is a tough question to answer, not for political reasons, just because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but there haven’t really been as many as you might hope.

I really enjoyed David Mack’s Echo character in Daredevil, and when I met him, we talked about the character, and his own Native blood – he said he tried to do something non-stereotypical with the character, and the fact that she now plays a bigger role in the Marvel Universe can be a pretty good thing – depending on where they go with it. David is a great and sincere guy, and I really thought that was a solid take on a Native character in a non-token role.

I also enjoyed the portrayal of several of the Natives in Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Grey’s Hex – in any Western, you never know what youre going to get, but Jimmy is a great guy too, and I thought the portrayal of Native people in the Hex comics I’ve read was respectful and well handled.

MS: What is your opinion about Indigenous characters in comics? Do you feel we portrayed properly?

JO: I don't want to single-out comics, but I feel that Native people tend to be portrayed stereotypically in the media more often than not. That's not to say it's always like that, but more often than we should be, definitely.

I don't want to rehash things I've said in the past for fear of lapsing into broken record syndrome – but here’s some food for thought.

In addition to Native people being portrayed inaccurately or unfairly in entertainment, we also, all too infrequently, see inaccurate or untruthful portrayals of our mistreatment at the hands of government.

If you're doing a comic involving the reservation system, for example, take the time to read up on the history of reservations, the residential school system, the failed genocide attempted by governments and churches. I say "failed genocide," because that’s exactly what it is.

Did you know that there were "schools" in Canada that had medieval style torture racks in their basements? That some priests threw babies, newborns into ovens, and that even Adolf Hitler himself admired America's treatment of Native peoples?

Look into George H.W. Bush's sterilization of Native women, John McCain's history as the Chairman of Indian Affairs Committee and the eugenics programs that have been thrust upon us. All too often, writers tend to examine the effect but not the cause, and I think if they're going to try to use reservations as settings for fiction, they need to look at a lot of the reasons things may be the way they are.

I'm going to tell a story about an act of what I consider heroism now, that I think was kind of lost over the years. When the Indian Agent, the Priest and the RCMP came to my grandfather's house to collect my father, who was about 8 at the time, and his siblings, my grandfather boarded up his home, the windows and doors. He told them to get off his land, and there was a bit of what you would call a standoff.

My father, unbeknownst to the government agents, was actually a few metres away, in the bush laying down with a rifle trained on the men who had been sent. He said if they had tried to take his father away, he was going to open up on them.

Can you imagine that, just for a moment - being ready to take a man’s life, at that age? Our people have a history of standing up to oppression, standing up for one another, and even, in large numbers, standing up for the countries who have oppressed and tried to eradicate us in various wars, even in the present day.

It's time those stories came to be told as well.

MS: Do you know of any other Natives in the "biz" (comic industry and/or video game industry)?

JO: Not as many as I'd like to, but I’m hoping that in the years to come we'll start seeing more and more of our people not only in comics, but in all forms of media. Or, if you are a Native person in the comics business and I’ve never heard of you, give me a shout! Let me know that it's my fault I haven't yet.

MS: Any words of wisdom for others (Native or non) looking to do what you do?

JO: Run. Screaming.

Seriously, if you really, really are serious about doing it, and want to do it, you should neither care what I say, or really even listen to it; you should already BE doing it. Screw the hacks and bitter losers who anoint themselves critics and whatnot, if you want to create comics, just create them. Whether that be online, self published, or even Xeroxed ashcan type comics, if it’s a passion, start creating some comics. The industry can be tough, but if you like the act of creating comics, just go for it! I’d love to have more to read.

Speaking directly to Native aspiring comics creators for a moment - don't be put off by the fact that there haven't been many of us in prominent roles in the industry as of yet. Our generation has opportunities that the ones before us did not and we can do anything we put our minds to.

Often, the toughest criticism of our work will come from other Native people, or those calling themselves that. I've had people harshly criticize my artwork, often on a personal level, and some of them have even worked for the Canadian government or organizations funded by the government.

Always take a moment to consider the motivation of those who would seek to belittle or demean you or your work, and concentrate on pleasing the person who should be your toughest critic by far - yourself.

MS: Anything I've missed here? Anything you'd like to 'plug'?

JO: It's way too early to plug, but here is a big part of the reason I haven’t been doing more comics stuff of late - I'm working on a TV show for APTN up here in Canada. It's a show called Pirouette, aimed at children aged, I believe 4-6, and will feature animated segments titled "Anoki."

I'm doing character designs and providing artwork for the Anoki segments, which will help kids learn some words in three separate languages, including Algonquin. I’m excited to be involved in the project, because it is a dynamic, engaging way of reaching kids, and also falls in line with something I believe very strongly in; using media to help our kids learn some words in their Native languages.

I am doing a set of three children's books with the Algonquin Anishinabeg National Tribal Council that we will be distributing to every Algonquin community in Quebec, absolutely free of charge that will also help kids to learn words. Each book has a simple theme, Animals and Places, for example, so on each page, the kids learn two new words.

Pirouette is underway now, unfortunately, I have no launch date for the series; but if you like my art, check out the Anoki segments - for more on the show, or to learn when it will be on television, check out the studio, Nish Media's website at, or drop by my gallery, which I update with info at Also, look for me at any of the usual social networking sites!

There is one thing I'd like to take a moment to talk about before we wrap this up, and this is more important than me and my opinions. Two Native Youths, girls from my reserve, one of whom is a cousin of mine, Maisy Odjick and Shannon Alexander went missing this past September 5th, 2008.

Please visit the website help spread the word across Indian Country, which knows no borders.

Migwetch! Thank you!

Friday, February 06, 2009

Link on UCO Lecture

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Book Review

Wow. Somebody read the book and actually liked it? Somebody not related to me?
Joking aside, reading a review like the one Rita Kohn wrote (link below) is very touching and provides ample reward for authoring the book. Her review is not only flattering (which I enjoy, of course) but there is an undertone of deep sincerity in her review.

I had the great fortune to meet Rita during my time at the Eiteljorg Museum in Indiana and we must have talked for an hour or so, sharing, swapping, and comparing stories. Turns out, Kohn has published with McFarland (my publisher), as well.

From one former farm-boy to a former farm-girl: Thanks, Rita; much appreciated.

Read the full article on the Nuvo ("Indy's alternative voice") blog:

Monday, January 12, 2009

Who's Buying My Book?

It's interesting (for ME, at least) to see who has been buying my book, Native Americans in Comic Books. At this point, it seems academic libraries are the main customers - and that's just fine with me. Check out the results of this simple Google search.

NMAI Library
Winona State University, Darrell W. Krueger Library
Minnesota State University, Livingston Lord Library
University of New Hampshire Library
Nevada State Library & Archives
Monroe Community College, LeRoy V. Good Library, Rochester,
Hamburg University library
University of California Riverside Libraries
Ashland University Library (OH)

Friday, January 02, 2009

IPI: Indigenous Peeps in the Industry - 05

In this portion of IPI, we are fortunate to hear from Jon Proudstar, creator of Tribal Force, a comic book featuring Native American superheroes and a historic first for a Native-created comic books, as he shoots the bull with Michael Sheyahshe (me!). In addition to his comic book milestone, Jon is a community leader and Indie filmmaker, working with such Indigenous artists as, Sterlin Harjo (a former classmate of mine, during our time at the University of Oklahoma) and others.

I first became acquainted with Jon when he agreed to do an interview about Tribal Force for my book, Native Americans in Comic Books. Since then, Jon and I have continued communicating and sharing ideas about Native American portrayal, both in comic books and in mainstream pop-culture, in general.

Here, Jon shares some wisdom and insight from his life experiences about how we Indigenous people can begin telling our own stories (which, if you've read my book, is one of my personal 'soap boxes,' as well). Enjoy.

MS: Background info: what is your tribal affiliation and where are you from?

JP: I am Yaqui, Jewish, and Mexican

MS: Did you have a lot of cultural interaction growing up? (Family gatherings, dances, ceremonies, etc.?)

JP: It wasn't till I was a teenager that I started to experience Pow Wows and ceremonies. I'm pretty much a City Indian.

MS: When did you first get into comics?
JP: I was about five years old.

MS: Do you have a favorite comic; title or type?

JP: Batman was my first real hero that I was into. Then came Spider-Man! Now, I mainly buy for art! I'm a huge fan of Cave Woman.

MS: Tell us more about the comics you've been working on; how did it all start / come about?

JP: My book is Tribal Force! It's the first all-Indian super hero comic in the history of the United States! I had always wanted to do an Indian comic book since I was a kid. I grew up in a heavily ethnic neighborhood. It wasn't till I was older that I realized all the heroes in comics where white. I began to contemplate what would happen if the heroes where Indian, Latino, or Black.

The actual story for Tribal Force came about when I was in my early thirties. My book first saw print in 96! (Wow, that was a long time ago.)

Since then, I have been trying to find an Artist with no luck. I have decided to draw the book myself. Sooooo, who knows if my new incarnation of Tribal Force will see the light of day. I'm such a slow Artist! I really don't consider myself an Artist. I'm a writer.

MS: When can we expect to see it?
JP: I hope sometime this year you will see the new book.

MS: Keeping in mind any of your other talents, what is your specialty?

JP: I am an Independent Film Director. My first film DUDE VISION won three awards. I am currently editing my first feature length film THE CHAOS EFFECT, a comedy about dating. Also have another project titled BARKING WATER which will open up at the Sundance Film Festival. This project was Directed by Sterlin Harjo and Chad Burris. Both Natives, yay!

MS: Did you get special training and/or education for the comic book work?
JP: No. But, I had collected and read since the age of five. I had also done mountains of research on Violent Youth Offenders and Survivors Of Child Molestation. That was a huge reason I wanted to put the book out. I always knew our people needed heroes which confronted issues that are important to us.

I can definitely say my screen writing helped me out a lot! The story is the strongest part of any book or movie. With out a good story, it's just a visual thing. Those [type of] projects tend to have short lives.

MS: Have you worked on any other comics?

JP: That's a negative, Ghost Rider.

MS: What are some comics with Native American characters in them that stand out to you?

JP: Obviously the X-Men! When I first saw Thunderbird I thought, "It's about damn time!" [Also,] Scout!

MS: What is your opinion about Indigenous characters in comics? Do you feel we portrayed properly?
JP: Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I have always felt that Tim Truman's Scout has been one of the best portrayals of a Native [character]. Apache, to be more specific. The thing about portraying Native Americans when your not Native is: it's an Indian thing. Most people in America have never met a Native, much less know one. It's like the Golden Rule of writing: "Write What You Know!" Duuuuhhh!

I feel most people who attempt to write about us are confined to what Hollywood has doled out about us. Hollywood tends to keep us in a historical, romanticized view. There are very few films that portray moderns Natives in a realistic light. And even those portrayals are confined to a region. Most people think that all Indians are the same.

Guess what? We're not. We differ from Rez to Rez and Tribe to Tribe. There are 753 Independent Tribes in America...holy cow! I think most comic book creators are just to lazy to do the proper homework on us.

So what's the answer? From me, my opinion. Don't write about us. Let us handle the job. I am tired of being portrayed incorrectly by non-Natives. I am tired of seeing my peoples' ways and beliefs prostituted for the benefit of dramatic license.

What's the difference between Natives creating Native heroes and non-Natives [doing so]? It belongs to us. We finally have a voice, after 500 hundred-plus-years of being suppressed and almost killed off. So let me be the first to say "BACK OFF! !" We are here and we will tell our own stories!

This doesn't mean we are beyond help. Of course we need help and guidance in navigating publishing, business and money. But the stories and images must remain ours.

MS: Do you know of any other Natives in the "biz" (comic industry and/or video game industry)?

JP: You.

MS: Any words of wisdom for others (Native or non) looking to do what you do?

JP: Wow! Hmmmmmmmm. Have faith in your ability, learn to accept criticism, be open to new ideas. And if your doing this for the money or fame, good luck! Can't pay the bills with either of those. Be a hard worker. Say what you do and do what you say. The biggest thing in the publishing world is reliability. I know tons of talented Artists and Writers who are not working because they are not reliable.

Oh, and don't talk crap about other comic book people. This business is hard enough!

MS: Thanks, Jon. Always a pleasure...let us know when we can buy the new Tribal Force!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Online Caddo Language Database


Digital Language Preservation Test

In an effort to make Caddo language more accessible to a global community, I am testing the use of Blist, "an online social database" website.

Here is the CaddoLanguge Blist, which allows searching its contents by using the "Find in this Blist" text field.


Powered by blist

I will continue to test this and other communication modes. For now, enjoy the Blist and keep Hasinai alive by learning and using the language.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Eiteljorg Event in 2009

Panel Discussion

See me at the Eiteljorg Museum in Indiana !

John Ostrander – Check out this link for a bio, award and writing list Blaze of Glory, Apache Skies, Grimjack & The Kents, to name some, as well as his work on MANY other titles including Batman, JLA, Star Wars, Wolverine and X-Men titles. He also moderates a great message board

Steve Sanderson (Cree) – artist/writer residing in Vancouver, B.C. – works with The Healthy Aboriginal to create comics about health and social issues for Aboriginal youth. Has worked with the Cartoon Network & Rockstar Games among others. Steve was selected to be an Artist in Residence at the Eiteljorg for a month later in 2009. Google him and you’ll find tons of great reviews/articles/etc.

Dan Piraro – writer/artist for the series Bizarro; there’s an interesting overview here: Dan really covers a wide variety of topics with his internationally known work. He has over a dozen publications and also performs a one man show “The Bizarro Baloney Show”. The day after the WNRC program, Sunday 1/25/09, Dan will be performing a show here loosely title “The Bizarro West”. I started coming across Dan’s Western and Native themed work last year it’s very funny and insightful and Dan has great stories to go along with them. Dan will be our Artist in Residence during the week before the program.

Michael Sheyahshe (Caddo) – Michael hs done some interesting research & writing into Native Portrayals in video games as well as being knee deep in his newly published book "Native Americans in Comic Books," was part of the 2007 program, and offered up loads of great information. Michael is a very busy guy in general !

We also have several local folks that have been amazing resources for content, inspiration, research, planning and sending interns!

Dr. Greg Reinhardt – University of Indianapolis . In addition to the bio here Greg has the most pristine collection of comic books featuring “Indian” content on the covers ever seen– hopefully he’ll bring some back in ’09!

Dr. Larry Zimmerman – IUPUI/Eiteljorg Museum . Larry’s work time is shared between the Eiteljorg and IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) his work in Museum Studies and Native American Representation has helped create a lot of interest in the Eiteljorg program’s topic locally.

Andy Holtzman – Andy is a comic enthusiast and organizes the major comic show in greater Indianapolis . He’ll be helping Eiteljorg to get the word out and arrange for some vendors to be present at the event – passing on his own show to contribute to ours!

Robin McBride Scott – Besides being an amazing artist, educator and presenter Robin has a very large collection of comics with Native themes. Robin was at the Eiteljorg as an Artist in Residence and collects comics. She’s been super busy with traveling around the county for museum work.

UCO Lecture

Public Lecture

Look for me at the UCO English Department's Sherman Chaddlesone Arts & Letters Lecture Series

Date: 02/12/09 (Thursday)
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: Pegasus Theater

Topics will include my book (Native Americans in Comics) , Indigenous people in Pop-Culture, and video games with Native Americans.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

UNM INLP Lecture Slides


Presentation Slides

As promised, here are the slides to my INLP lecture at UNM.
"(Not So) Funny Books"
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: lecture book)

Monday, November 03, 2008

The New Tonto - Johnny Depp

I don't normally like to get into these sort of discussions, because there are way too many opinions to sift through - as well as way too many blogs that seem preachy, at best - but, this topic is sorta within my realm of expertise.

Latest news: Disney is going to make a Lone Ranger film with Johnny Depp playing Tonto.

Now, I'm all for a new Lone Ranger and Tonto flick, as these are some of my favorite childhood heroes AND I believe popular culture could use a new injection of how to portray an Indigenous character in popular media. I say this last part with hope that there will be some intelligent script-writing that will allow Tonto to be a real (human) character and not just a simple caricature...of course, we ARE talking about Disney here, so it's anyone's guess as to whether they understand how to do this (Pocahontas, anyone?).

Yet, casting Depp as Tonto gives me an itchy feeling at the back of my sterotype-sensing neck. This is the very sort of thing I mention in my writings (see previous blog entries on Native Americans in video games and my book, Native Americans in Comic Books, should you be interested), namely that not only do Indigenous people need to PORTRAY Indigenous characters (either in front of the camera or in voice acting work, such as in video games), but we must also be PART of the creative process when depicting Native American characters.

Unless there has been some major announcement I am not aware of, this is not the case. Don't get me wrong, I like Depp and his characters are almost always entertaining in one fashion or another. However, I still maintain that Tonto would be best portrayed by a Native American.
Yet, over the years, Depp has alluded that he shares this ancestry and "he is of Cherokee, Irish, and German descent, with some Navajo as well." ( I don't doubt this is true, as one could argue that some of his physical features fall in line with what many people feel are "Native" type features. Even if this is true, even if Depp is Native American, does that mean he is a good choice to play an Indigenous character of such prominence? A character that, after years and decades of misrepresentation, MUST be depicted in a positive light and one that accurately represents Indigenous culture?

To this, I must sadly answer, no, Depp is most likely not the best choice to play Tonto. While do not dispute his ethnicity in any way, I must question whether he is actually a PART of these Native communities. Was he raised near one of the tribal communities he mentions above? Did he have relatives that demonstrated specific Indigenous culture to him? Has he taken part in any of the aforementioned tribal communities, either socially, culturally, or ceremonially? Perhaps he has, but I find no mention of these activities.

As many before me over the years have stated and restated ad nauseum, we must have Native American people portray Native characters. No one would suggest black-face characters any more (unless, it's making fun of that portrayal, as in the recent, Tropic Thunder), so why do we have non-Native actors working as our characters? I'm not suggesting that Tonto ONLY be played by the darkest, longest-haired, fullest-blood, "true-ist" Native person ever (I am pretty sure such a creature does not exist)...but, please, find someone that at least has both the ancestry AND the cultural ties to allow that actor the specific insight needed to accurately imbue the Tonto character as a true representative of Native American humanity.

If we get that taken care of, the only problem left is getting some Native screen writers to get a piece of the action!

UNM INLP Lecture - new poster

Here is the official poster announcing the UNM INLP Lecture for my book, Native Americans in Comics. Come out to NM and catch the lecture !

-Michael Sheyahshe

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Publication for CDC

During any significant event - catastrophic or otherwise - first responders, community groups, and many other public health individuals will most likely encounter individuals from vulnerable populations; populations that exhibit specific needs based on "age, class, race, poverty, language, and a host of other social, cultural, economic, and psychological factors." Such encounters are especially pertinent here in Oklahoma, considering our Native American community makes up almost 8% of the state's total population (see image below for more detail).

To assist in preparing the public health community, the Center for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) has published the "2006-2007 ASPH/CDC Vulnerable Populations Collaboration Group Preparedness Resource Kit," available online at:

After being appointed to one of the CDC's Collaboration Group that focused on Vulnerable Populations, I was fortunate enough co-author this important document along with many other Public Health leaders from academic institutions around the nation. I chaired the committee on Ethnic and Cultural Minority Populations, which produced that section within the publication.

Individuals within the Public Health field and especially those first responders that will most likely encounter such populations are urged to review this Resource Kit to foster learning and enable improved effective response for such groups in future events.

Source: US Census FactFinder for Oklahoma

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Book Listed at Britannica

My book, Native Americans in Comics is now listed at the Britannica online encyclopedia. Under the entry, "comic strip" and the sub-head of Additional Reading » Special topics, the book is mention as a resource. Check out the link below for more information.

Kudos from Canada

In an online article, "The top five Native American characters in comics," at the Miramichi Leader Online Edition website, Darcey McLaughlin offers insight to some Indigenous characters as well as praise for my book on Native comic book characters, calling it a "great book" and "well worth the read".
Doesn't get much better than that !
Check out the article link above and read McLaughlin's take on some interesting Native American characters. the book ! :)