Sunday, February 11, 2007

Dude Vision - Google Video

Indie Filmmaker

Jon Proudstar, a Native individual that I had the pleasure to interview for my book based on his creation of Tribal Force comic book, has a new film out called Dude Vision. The movie is a short (around 27 min or so) and is worth viewing, as it presents ideas from the view of a Native American male.

Also, it is worth noting, the film does not suffer from many stereotypes that can be found in media. A positive example of this is Jon's character, an Indigenous man, does not drink. Here's another stereotype-buster: the film isn't an "art film" and doesn't portray the "plight of the Indian" (to paraphrase Vine, we will miss him!)'s a straightforward story from a particular point of view.

Good work, Jon. Keep 'em coming!
Check out Dude Vision - Google Video

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Slipped my mind...


Swiss Cheese Memory

Guess I should've already made the announcement about the website for my new book, Native Americans in Comic Books, going "live" some time ago. Heh. Sorry.

Um, check it out, if you have some time.

Native Americans in Comic Book - news travels


Comics in the News

Very cool that this website picked up the news. Seems there is some genuine interest in this topic out there. Of course, this blurb is the best kind: short, sweet, and to the point...

Comic World News Headlines